These are topics of speeches Ralph Keyes gives:
- Is There Life After High School?
- Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins
- The Courage to Write
- Why Take a Chance?
- Sons and Fathers
- Navigating the Post-Truth Era
- The Keys to Timelock
- Would Anyone Notice If I Didn’t Show Up?
- How to Fail More Successfully
Ralph Keyes also offers a half-day or full-day workshop on Productive Risk-Taking.
Drawing on research for his book Chancing It: Why We Take Risks, this workshop is built around a self-scoring quiz participants take to determine their Risk-Q, or risk-taking style. The key idea is that we all take some risks and avoid others. The risks we take and those we avoid determine our Risk-Q. We’re all risk-takers in one form or another (as well as risk avoiders). Getting that message, and absorbing it, can be enormously helpful in getting those who think of themselves as only cautious to think again and imagine what productive risks they’re capable of taking.
Ralph also teaches writing workshops that draw on his books The Courage to Write and The Writer’s Book of Hope. These half-day and full-day workshops combine a compassionate look at the inner obstacles all writers confront with realistic suggestions about how to get published.