Keyes (The Quote Verifier: Who Said What, Where, and When) distinguishes this work from other slang and idiom resources by explaining retro terms, that is, words and phrases that have been used for so long that people repeat them without knowing their origin or understanding their precise meaning. Examples include tabloid, initially a compressed medical pill, which became an adjective referring to smaller versions of other things like newspapers. Dubbing these terms retrotalk, Keyes also offers examples of later usage of the phrases in the media and other sources. For example, he quotes Katie Couric saying “Cha-ching” during her news broadcast; younger people likely know that the phrase refers to money but not that the phrase was inspired by a bell on a cash register’s drawer. Avoiding a dictionary format, Keyes weaves humor-laced narratives into 22 topical chapters. The index and lengthy notes and bibliography section that support the work are useful but do not document every supporting quotation, like Couric’s. With a special focus and light tone, this resource is recommended for large public libraries. – Marianne Orme