Ralph recently appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered program. [audio:https://ralphkeyes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Keyes-Euphemania_atc_16.mp3|titles=Keyes, Euphemania_atc_16] Transcript below: MELISSA BLOCK, host: This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I’m Melissa Block. ROBERT SIEGEL, host: And I’m Robert Siegel. In his new book about euphemisms, Ralph Keyes takes me back to browsing through a book on my parents’ bookshelf about …
Talk of the Nation
NPR’s writeup of Euphemania and audio of Ralph’s Talk of the Nation appearance can be accessed by clicking on the link.
Voice of America
VOA‘s program on euphemisms that features an interview with Ralph can be accessed by clicking on the link. Listen: [audio:https://ralphkeyes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/VOA-10-12-22euphemisms.mp3|titles=VOA 10-12-22euphemisms]
Ralph’s interview with radio host Sean Moncrieff of Dublin, Ireland can be heard by clicking here: Euphemisms
Air Talk
Hear Ralph on this KPCC show in Los Angeles by clicking on the link.
Book Nook I
Part one of Ralph’s two-part appearance on Vick Mickunas’s Book Nook show can be heard by clicking on the link.