Between nuclear power plants spewing radiation in Japan, fighting over oil fields in Libya, the Gulf oil spill off Louisiana, sundry coal mine disasters, and water pollution resulting from “fracking” for natural gas all over the U.S., might Mother Nature be trying to tell us something? I’d say so. It has never been more clear …
Euphemism of the Week
While driving from Ohio to Philadelphia and back I was struck by how many stores beside I 70 sell “adult,” which is to say pornographic, items. So is “adult” now so synonymous with “pornography” that it can no longer be used in polite company?
Euphemism of the Week
In the runup to the Super Bowl, a journalist visiting Pittsburgh found that locals thought little of the Steelers’ quarterback. The journalist reported that they considered Ben Roethlisberger a “jagoff.”
Euphemism of the Week
During her campaign for mayor of Chicago, Carol Mosely Braun said she had “an advanced degree from Harvard.” She doesn’t. Her campaign later said Braun “misspoke.”
Euphemism of the Week
Avada advertises an inexpensive hearing aid as one that can be purchased “at a more moderate investment level.”
Euphemism of the Week
During NPR’s “On Point” show, a guest referred to cows in feed lots so crowded that they must stand in their own “substance.” Host Tom Ashbrook called this substance “product.”