The average American woman is 5 feet 4, but author Ralph Keyes said “tallness in women is more fashionable than ever.”
Montreal Gazette
Being tall doesn’t just mean seeing better in a crowd: tall people are also more likely to make the team, earn more money and achieve high office, according to Ralph Keyes. book The Height of Your Life.
Chicago Sun Times
I once wrote a column about Keyes, who advises women to give shorter guys a chance. In his research, he found many tall women who say lovemaking is better and “more energetic” with shorter guys. One 6-foot-tall woman told Keyes: “Things are equal when you. re lying down. I don’t find tall men active enough. …
New York Times
A lively and informative book. N.R. Kleinfield
New York Times Magazine
Thorough and entertaining. Tom Ferrell
New York Times Book Review
Mr. Keyes makes it clear that attitudes — ours and others’ — toward size is what is decisive, and decisively wrong. Discrimination against women, he conjectures, may actually be discrimination on the basis of size. … The Height of Your Life is an odd, breezy book, quick to record a joke, occasionally rueful, that gathers …