The book is full of fascinating anecdotes, facts, quotes, photos, cartoons and charts of the actual sizes of well-known people, measured against Mme. Tussaud’s famous was-work models. … The author provides us with considerable food for thought, along with endless material for cocktail-party conversation.
The Critic
Keyes has done a spirited and thorough job in compiling facts and anecdotes about the physical, psychological, economic, and even sexual and political advantages and disadvantages of people of varying heights.
Library Journal
A light-hearted but thoughtful discourse on height and how it affects our personal life.
Greenville Delat Democrat-Times (Mississippi)
Keyes, who goes into the subject of height in depth, has filled his book with intriguing tidbits about such celebrated shorts as Alan Ladd, Joel Grey, and Mae West, and talls like Julia Child, Lowell Weicker, Jr., and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Most fascinating of all, however, are the well-researched chapters on how height affects sex, …
Chattanooga Free Press
Lively and exhaustively researched.
Charleston Courier (South Carolina)
Amusing and entertaining, the book provides glances into the lives of talls and shorts. Keyes even suggests sports and occupations which are best geared to each group.